
The Eternal Line

Ich wurde nachkriegsbedingt  im westfälischen Rhede geboren, wuchs aber in Köln auf.

Nach dem Abitur absolvierte ich ein Jurastudium, wechselte jedoch zur Pädagogik und arbeitete bis zur Pensionierung als Kunsterzieher und Werklehrer.

Seit meiner Schulzeit war ich zeichnerisch/malerisch tätig und trieb mich in Kölner Galerien herum. Neben größeren Papier und vielen Kartonarbeiten beschäftigte ich mich 20 Jahre mit der Herstellung von Holzbildern, mehr oder weniger abstrakten Inhalts. Seit 2009 gestalte ich Bilder mit Acryl.I was born in Rhede/Westfalen/Germany I grew up in Cologne as the 4th of 6 children. In my catholic home, churches, museums, art and culture played a big role. We had some paintings from my great uncle Heinrich Mosler, who added the name of his mother, Pallenberg, to his name, as at the same time there was another Heinrich Mosler from the USA, who lived and studied in Germany and France for many years. He became well known as genre painter Henry Mosler. From schooltime on, I loved drawing and painting without thinking it could become a profession. I studied law and then pedagogy. All the time I followed my creative ideas and drew and painted on paper and cardboards. I teached for nearly 40 years as a teacher for arts and crafts and I loved especially doing it in primary schools to see how natural and uninhibited children work with colours. Inspired by woodwork in craft lessons, I started in 1988 to do wood pictures for 20 years. I showed them in many exhibitions and I produced one also near Duck Lake, Saskatchuan, Canada in 2002.  In 2008, I felt encouraged  to do acrylic work. I participated at many courses of painters. In the end I developed my own style, eternal lining in rainbow colours, still being connected to my own youth and the work of all the school children amd the spiritual world of Native Americans .  In 2018 I painted my first canvas and boxes in Canada, and in 2019 will follow many more, hopefully!



Seit 2011 Teilnahme an Gruppenausstellungen im Raum Friesland und Ammerland.

2015 / 2016 Ausstellung in der Galerie Kunstwerk in  Wilhelmshaven